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Chapel Blog

Christmas Generosity

Writer: ashvalechapelashvalechapel

Would you like to support our projects this Christmas? Here is the link to our ‘Give a little’ pages where you can support the work of Ash Villages Food Parcels Project, St Mary’s, The Chapel, and the projects at Amaha We Uganda (Hope for Uganda). If you would like a gift certificate to send to a loved one please email 

If you would like to support the Food bank #AshVillagesFoodParcelsProject with donations of food, toiletries and Christmas treats, these can be donated at St Mary’s or The Chapel when we are open, or message the project team to arrange a time to drop items off 07730609446. Thank you!

Your support is important, to keep all our projects and services running for the whole community. It makes all the difference, thank you for being part of this vital work. Happy Christmas!

Donations link: 



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